Membrainy is an intelligent membrane analysis tool that endeavours to provide a wide range of analytical techniques to enable the measurement of various membrane-specific properties from planar bilayer trajectories. Membrainy is primarily designed to work with GROMACS xtc/trr/tpr/cpt/gro and pdb trajectory files, and is capable of measuring:

Membrainy contains an internal library of common lipids parameterized for CHARMM, Berger/GROMOS87 and Martini v2.0 for your convenience, and is capable interpreting single, double and asymmetric bilayers. For lipids not found in the internal library, you can now import your own lipids using an external library. See the tutorial for details.

Please refer to the readme for further information and instructions.

The latest version of Membrainy can be downloaded here:


Or visit the downloads page. You can find our publication here, and please cite:

Matthew Carr and Cait E. MacPhee. Membrainy: a 'smart', unified membrane analysis tool. Source Code for Biology and Medicine, (1):3+, March 2015.

or download the BibTeX

For a tutorial on using Membrainy with provided example trajectories, please visit our tutorial page

If you encounter any bugs, issues, or have any questions, please contact and we will be happy to assist. We also appreciate any feedback to help us improve Membrainy.